

B-CON – software with interfaces to all building automation systems

In order to ensure that your requirements to your technical facility management system with regard to information and function can be fulfilled to the greatest extent possible, B-CON offers interfaces with basically all the relevant systems of building and systems automation as well as many systems with special tasks, e.g. fire alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance etc.

B-CON distinguishes between native interfaces, for which no additional software license is needed, and OPC interfaces, for which you can rely on the globally recognized OPC standard and will need an OPC server.

B-CON supports the main open system in the building via a native interface. No additional software licenses for the interfaces are required for their use. The native interfaces of B-CON access the underlying systems directly via the IP network.

native B-CON interfaces

By now, BACnet has become the protocol of choice if you want to benefit from non-proprietary building automation or would like to define a common communication standard for your property portfolio. BACnet controllers and gateways are offered by all renowned vendors of building automation products. Unlike most other interfaces, BACnet is object-oriented. All information and functions related to building automation can be logically aggregated in BACnet objects. Using the B-CON BACnet interface puts the following powerful features at your disposal:

  • Easy physical connection via IP; administration-friendly implementation as a service on your master computer
  • Quick and easy reading of all BACnet objects on the network, incl. powerful filter and selection functions
  • Simplified engineering for creation of display and operating functions with BACnet controls specific to B-CON
  • Secure management functions in the automation station, e.g. for event and alarm management, trend management, schedule management
  • Favorably priced licensing of runtime version compared with data point based license
  • Gateway function via graphic programming in B-CON
  • High capacity with far more than 100,000 BACnet objects

»Wir haben uns bereits vor vielen Jahren für B-CON entschieden, was wir auch nach einem
schnellen und unkomplizierten Update nicht bereut haben. Vor allem durch die
herstellerunabhängige Einbindung von verschiedensten Automatisierungssystemen und
Kommunikationsprotokollen, stellt die Software für uns einen großen Mehrwert dar.
Abgerundet von dem schnellen und professionellen Support der ICONAG, ein tolles

Herr Christian Blenkers, DRK NSTOB

We've compiled a complete list of B-CON interfaces for you. You may download it here.

ModBus is the jack of all trades among the open systems in a building. Its versatile use in systems for energy generation, distribution, and management makes it the solution of choice for many applications. Using the B-CON ModBus interface puts the following powerful features at your disposal:

  • Easy physical connection via IP; administration-friendly implementation as a service on your master computer
  • Direct import of your data points from the parameterization software via EDE, incl. powerful filter and selection functions
  • Easy setup of management functions, such as event and alarm management, trend management, or schedule management
  • Direct linking of display and control functions for quick visualization of facility and room functions
  • Gateway function via graphic programming in B-CON
  • High capacity with far more than 100,000 ModBus data points

»Wir setzen auf B-CON – und das schon seit 1999! Seither nutzen wir die Software zur
Visualisierung und sind noch immer zufrieden. Neben der Stabilität, mit der die Software läuft, ist auch die Aussicht darauf wirklich Alles verbinden zu können für uns ein klares Plus. Zudem gefällt uns, dass die Software stetig weiterentwickelt und optimiert wird. Für uns ist die ICONAG ein zuverlässiger Partner für unsere Gebäudeleittechnik.«

Herr Jan Kluge, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk in Leipzig

KNX is a common standard for room automation and lighting control. Its wide availability in electrical installation in particular has made KNX an essential feature in building automation in many cases. Using the B-CON* KNX interface puts the following powerful features at your disposal:

  • Easy physical connection via IP; administration-friendly implementation as a service on your master computer
  • Direct import of your data points from ETS via text file, incl. powerful filter and selection functions
  • Easy setup of management functions, such as event and alarm management, trend management, or schedule management
  • Direct linking of display and control functions for quick visualization of facility and room functions
  • Gateway function via graphic programming in B-CON
  • High capacity with far more than 100,000 KNX data points

*available from B-CON CS, release D Q1-2019

»Unser erstes Projekt mit B-CON haben wir 2002 realisiert und schnell die vielen Vorteile der Software erkannt. Wir arbeiten und errichten sehr gern mit B-CON. B-CON punktet durch seine starke Logik dank des Editors, seine Kompatibilität mit Windows und sehr vielen
Schnittstellen. Die jahrelange Zusammenarbeit mit der ICONAG-Leittechnik ist schon lange mehr als eine einfache Geschäftsbeziehung. Wir schätzen den tollen Support und das freundschaftliche Verhältnis sehr und hoffen auf viele weitere gemeinsame Projekte!«

Herr Alexander Großmann, Geschäftsführer bei SYS.TEC Gebäudeautomation GmbH & Co. KG

We've compiled a complete list of B-CON interfaces for you. You may download it here.

Via the globally established OPC standard, B-CON supports the integration of virtually any building automation system, systems for special tasks in the building (such as fire alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance etc.), as well as systems for facility and automation technology via native interfaces. The B-CON OPC-DA client (from 2019 also OPC-UA) connects to all relevant OPC servers available on the market. This gives you a quick and reliable solution for any additional interface requirements. Using the B-CON OPC interface puts the following powerful features at your disposal:

  • Easy physical integration via IP
  • Direct reading of OPC data points from connected OPC servers, incl. powerful filter and selection functions
  • Easy setup of management functions, such as event and alarm management, trend management, or schedule management
  • Direct linking of display and control functions for quick visualization of facility and room functions
  • Gateway function via graphic programming in B-CON
  • High capacity with far more than 100,000 KNX data points

»Da die ICONAG-Leittechnik GmbH mit ihrer benutzerfreundlichen Gebäudeleittechniksoftware eine Vielzahl an Schnittstellen bietet und sowohl in kleineren als auch in sehr großen Projekten super einsetzbar ist, haben wir uns für B-CON entschieden. Die frei konfigurierbare Oberfläche, sowie das Alarmmanagement machen B-CON aus. Wir schätzen sowohl den qualitativ hochwertigen technischen Support, als auch die gute technische Beratung und den freundlichen, zuverlässigen Umgang der ICONAG-Leittechnik.«

Herr Maik Hegenbarth, Geschäftsführer Otto Schatte GmbH

We've compiled a complete list of B-CON interfaces for you. You may download it here.

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