Software solutions for more efficient facility management

Learn more about how ICONAG can help you to make your facility management smarter through manufacturer-neutral operator workstations, energy management systems, and the central management of your properties.


Our fields of application in the field of efficient building management and the building control system are Smart Building, Smart Metering and Smart Living.

B-CON software

Building management and visualization with B-CON, in addition to these software solutions, you will find more ICONAG-Software for technical building management.

Planning & execution

The ICONAG team supports you as a planning engineer, system user or building owner in planning & implementation of your B-CON-projects.


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"make buildings smarter"

This is the best way to describe the mission and history of ICONAG in one short phrase. Since our founding in 1996, our goal is to simplify the management of buildings in an increasingly complex technological environment while reducing energy consumption. Of course, this requires that all technical functions and the information from all types of applications are collected in a single management system.

The ICONAG basic knowledge video |

Many thousand applications in 25 years speak for the reliability of ICONAG systems

These customers rely on ICONAG for their technical facility management

The B-CON software combines the technical functions of all applications on a single system. It enables the realization of manufacturer-neutral operator workstations/building management system, overall energy management systems, as well as systems for technical management of distributed sites. Learn more about its use as

Manufacturer-neutral OWS/BMS

About the B-CON building management systems for the various automation systems to merge in a single system environment.

Energy management system

In the energy management of buildings, the remote reading of consumption meters of our B-CON Software plays have long been standard.

You are ready for a smarter facility management! We support the success of your project with our competence and passion

Support for planning and tendering processes

We are here to support you with our network to your building simple, energy-efficient and safe.

Training and product support

Projects successfully implemented with our comprehensive range of B-CON training, as well as our professional project support.

Contact us for your personal consultation

Software solutions for more efficient facility management

Learn more about how ICONAG can help you to make your facility management smarter through manufacturer-neutral operator workstations, energy management systems, and the central management of your properties.

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